Saturday, April 13, 2013

Founders Day Photos and Videos

Here are snippets of our choristers having fun from rehearsals to the actual day of performance on Founders Day!

Choristers learning hand signals to look out for on stage

Our Choristers are paying full attention to Miss Lim to learn how to have a more rounded voice... Aren't they serious?

A toast to good voice!

Rehearsals can be fun too! 
Our choristers are training their voice through a fun game with Miss Lim

The fun game continues...

 After much preparation, its the day of performance

Our Choristers having their hair done up..

Say CHEeese....

Lo and Behold! we are just minutes away from the performance. Quick fun shot.

Choristers with Miss Lim on stage

Wonder how our choristers sound on stage on Founders Day? Check out the videos below....

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